The Roosters

Sweet Pea (above) 

Oliver (below)

Panko (Sweet Pea's Son) with his girlfriend Cutlet and their daughter Chic Chic

Here on the farm we have five roosters that rule the roost. Meet Sweet Pea our oldest silkie rooster that's been with us for over ten years. He is the sweetest rooster that does such an amazing job taking care of his ladies. His son Panko was born on the farm in 2018. Oliver came to us as an oops...he was supposed to be an Olive but started crowing. A bit of a jerk at first, he's settled down and is a great protector and now loves to cuddle and dance for his ladies. Our newest additions to the farm in October of 2024 are Speckles and Chick Pea both hatchery whoopsies that were supposed to be hens but clearly aren't. They will live out their days in peace here on the farm

Chick Pea

A Barred Rock Rooster


A Speckled Sussex Rooster